It is the vision of GENETEK to be a company that is engaged in all areas of the industry, generates scientific solutions based on scientific methods, and provides customers with new and competitive products using current technology, and that helps customers find new and competitive products using current technology.
Today, the rapid development of technology causes more importance on quality and efficiency concepts in electrical energy. Within the scope of his specialty; All kinds of research, improvement and development activities that will increase the competitiveness of the companies, ensure that the available resources are used more efficiently and create added value constitute the mission of GENETEK.
Our Policy
as GENETEK Güç & Enerji Ltd. Şti.
In order to bring current science and technology together with the industrialists by providing University-Industry cooperation and to add value to our country;
- To provide quality service in line with our goals, taking into account the laws, standards and conditions of our customers;
- Providing customer satisfaction by meeting their expectations;
- Considering our impact on the environment and occupational health and safety, to constantly review and improve all our activities in a way to protect the environment and human health;
- To reach these goals, to serve with our educated and conscious employees, we undertake.
Our Working Standarts
All the works we have done within the scope of GENETEK’s “Measurement and analysis of electrical energy and consultancy and training activities”;
ISO 9001 Quality Management System
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
are carried out in accordance with the requirements.